Salt Sessions Freediving runs monthly freedive courses here in Melbourne every month of the year! Our focus is to equip and train you with the skills to improve your freediving.
Salt Sessions Freediving is the largest freedive training centre here in Melbourne.
Ever wanted to improve your freediving and unsure where to start? Our freedive courses taught here in Melbourne focus on giving you the skills to become a better and safer freediver through education, training techniques and practical experience.
Our theory sessions are generally run on Friday evenings via an online link, no long commutes in your car. The pool session is generally held at the Yawa Aquatic Center in Rosebud or the Pines Aquatic Center in Frankston. The boat dive is generally from the Portsea Pier, were we meet up and jump on the charter boat for our 4 our dive session in the southern part of the Port Philip Bay.